Free casino games: the history of gambling, part II

Find out more about free casino games and their exciting way from ancient time to modern gambling. Roulette, as a casino game also has a very interesting history. The word «roulette» means «a small wheel» in French. The game we know today was popular in France in Modern times, and was edited by Francois and Louis Blanc into the form we all are familiar with. They have introduced the "Single 0" to the game in 1842, and roulette was brought to America in that variation. The Americans have made their own version of the game, introducing the "Double 0" to the wheel. Thus, there were already two types of roulette - European and American. There are ongoing debates regarding the origin of the game itself. Some people claim that roulette was invented by Blaise Pascal, the French mathematician who lived in the 17th century. Other state that the game was introduced by the Chinese and brought to Europe by Dominican monks. Regardless of its origin, roulette still is the most fascinating casino games today. Dice have been around for more than 20 centuries, being involved in numerous activities, ranging from gambling to religious rituals. Dice, as we know it now, are very popular due to the game called «craps». This game was highly popular among the rich and famous of the 18th and 19th century England, and was originally called «Hazard». It was imported into France, where it got its modern name. "Craps" has derived from the word "crabs", meaning "pair of ones". The game was a huge success in America, where it was simplified into the present form and played on steam powered show boats.